• Welcome to PPIB

    Government of Pakistan is
    Committed to Affordable Energy

    Focus on indigenous
    Power Resources of Pakistan

  • PPIB’s Mission

    To provide one-window facility to investors; promote, encourage and facilitate investments in the power sector under the applicable power policies and to safeguard the investments already made thereunder.

    About PPIB
  • Alternative & Renewable Energy
    Clean & Green Energy

    Investors Friendly Energy Policy to untap alternative & renewable energy resources in Pakistan

  • Affordable Energy
    Through Alternative &
    Renewable Power

    Mega potential of Hydropower, Solar & Wind Power

  • Hydropower is amongst top Priorities

    1053MW Hydropower IPPs Commissioned

  • A step towards compliance of
    United Nations
    Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-7)

    The National Voice for Sustainable Power Generation.
    To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

  • Net Metering Initiative

    Around 63000 Net-metering consumers sharing load on National Grid

    Reference Guide for DISCOsReference Guide for Consumers
  • PPIB is Front Line Player in CPEC

    IPPs of 11648 MW (Coal & Hydropower) + 1400 MW (Wind & Solar) Under
    China Pakistan Economic Corridor

    CPEC Hydro, Coal & HVDCCPEC Solar & Wind
  • IPPs more than 50%
    of total Power Generation of Pakistan

    Local fuel is Top Priority

  • PPIB’s achievements towards
    self-reliant Power Sector

    3,300 MW through
    Thar Coal

  • Matiari To Lahore ±660 KV HVDC
    Transmission line Project

    4000 MW Transmission Capacity


About us

Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) was created in 1994 as a “One-Window Facilitator” on behalf of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to promote private investments in power sector. In 2012 PPIB was made a statutory organization through Private Power and Infrastructure Board Act 2012 (Act VI of 2012). The role of PPIB had been further expanded by the GoP by allowing it to facilitate public sector power and related infrastructure projects in IPP mode, for which PPIB’s Act has been amended in November 2015. Further, to create synergy in Power Sector, AEDB with similar mandate has also been merged with PPIB on 31-May-2023, which was notified through Gazette of Pakistan on 10-June-2023.

Hydro 9,702 MW (21%) Hydro IPPs 1,053 MW (2%)
Thermal 4,731 MW (10%) Thermal IPPs 21,121 MW (46%)
Nuclear 3,620 MW (8%) RE 2,635 MW (6%)
KE (Oil/Gas/RE) 2,962 MW (7%)
Total 18,053 MW (39%) Total 27,771 MW (61%)
Installed Capacity 45,824 MW
Source: NEPRA State of Industry Report 2022, PPIB


Graphical Representation  is the best performance metric for any sector. PPIB’s contributions towards power sector of Pakistan are remarkable. More than 50% of electricity demand is fulfilled by IPPs throughout the country. PPIB is front line player in CPEC power corridor and successfully commissioned IPPs of around 8000 MW by harnessing conventional, alternative  and renewable resources. PPIB effectively contributed in country’s economy by attracting FDI of USD 33 Bln. PPIB is committed to attain right fuel mix and increase alternative & renewable share to 62%  by 2031 . HVDC Transmission Line from Matiari to Lahore with transmission capacity of 4000 MW under CPEC has also been commissioned in 2021 through PPIB.


National Power Policy 2021

ARE Policy 2019

Power Policy 2015

Transmission Line Policy 2015

Short Term Capacity Addition

Determination of Tariff for IPPs

Tariff Framework for Hydropower

Important Links

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